
I wrote this back in 2014, but it’s been sitting in the “drafts” section since then. When I revisited it today, I decided not to try to recreate it or finish it. I only added a few sentences you’ll see in red. It’s probably my shortest, most simple blog, but it may be a helpful reminder to someone. 

Times change. People change. Presidents change. Feelings change. Fashion trends, weather, weight, and of course gas prices change.  In this day and age, one must quickly and constantly adapt to change. It’s the norm to accept change. By no means is change negative; it could be beneficial or not. If anyone’s like me, however, there are some points in which stability and consistency is the best thing going. It may be because I’m a sentimental girl. I say it’s because I’m human. It’s natural to find comfort, joy, and peace in sameness. It’s not unreasonable to have a desire for something in your life to be steady.

The one and only thing that I’ve discovered that is truly unchanging is God a.k.a love a.k.a God. It seems mundane and ordinary. “I mean everyone has heard of, read, or quoted John 3:16, right? No big deal.”  Wrong! Big Deal! The fact that God loves us is actually extraordinary, incomprehensible, amazing, and beyond awesome. I’ve done Him wrong. My grades are not perfect. (This was a college freshmen speaking). I’m not always in the mood to be nice. I do not sacrifice like I should. My public speaking skills have not improved in a while. (They have now…lol!) I tend to let procrastination (that I stopped) creep up every now and then. The list goes on. I am going to grow, but still…. (I have grown and will continue to grow, but there will always be flaws and need for improvement.) To ponder this idea that God loves this totally imperfect being, brings me to tears of joy and gratitude.

What’s even greater is the fact that His love is unchanging

(If God loves me/us always, shouldn’t I/we love me/us always just like He does…?)

Need I say more?

Sending love from my corner to yours,


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